The Association for the Study and Preservation of Roman Mosaics

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If you are interested in mosaics, why not join ASPROM?

Members receive a copy of the journal Mosaic in December each year, a twice-yearly electronic newsletter, and invitations to our regular symposia. They are also entitled to apply for grants towards the cost of research on ancient mosaics. If you would like to join, please fill in a subscription form and email it to

Subscription rates UKUK standing order non-UK 
Ordinary members £15.00£14.00 £20.00 
Students £  7.50£  6.50 £15.00Please supply proof of status, e.g. a copy of your student card.
Joint members
(one copy of Mosaic)
 £17.50£16.50 £25.00 
Corporate members £20.00  £30.00 

Subscriptions can be paid by cheque or postal order (in sterling, payable to ASPROM), through PayPal, or by standing order — please contact the Membership Secretary for details. There is a discount of £1 for paying by standing order. Members are encouraged to fill out a Gift Aid form (available from the Membership Secretary), which increases the value of your subscription by 25%.

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Subscriptions are due on 1st January each year.

AIEMA subscriptions
ASPROM members who wish to subscribe to AIEMA (L'Association International pour l'Étude de la Mosaïque Antique) can now pay directly through Paypal, using the PayPal button on the AIEMA webpage (Faire un don). There is an English version of the subscription form here.

ASPROM is a charity registered in England and Wales, no. 802883.
This page is maintained by Ruth Westgate. Last modified 1 December 2023.