New mosaic at Boxford

Hercules fighting a centaur, on the Boxford mosaic.

Hercules fighting a centaur, on the Boxford mosaic. Photo by Lindsey Bedford.

A community archaeology project at Boxford in Berkshire has discovered one of the most spectacular and unusual Roman mosaics ever found in Britain. About half of the mosaic has been uncovered so far. In the central part of the floor are two mythological scenes: one depicts the hero Bellerophon riding the winged horse Pegasus and killing the monstrous Chimaera; the other scene may represent another episode in the story of Bellerophon.

Enclosing the central scenes is a wide border, which features Hercules fighting a centaur; a cupid, perhaps representing one of the seasons; a crater (wine vessel); and giants (telamones) in the corners, holding up the central panel.

The mosaic is being excavated by the Boxford History Project and the Berkshire Archaeology Research Group, in collaboration with Cotswold Archaeology. The team are hoping to uncover the other half of the mosaic in 2019.

For further information and more pictures, see the Cotswold Archaeology website and the Boxford Dig Blog.

Mosaic found at Boxford in 2017.

Mosaic found at Boxford in 2017. Photo by Richard Miller.

Photos © Richard Miller, Lindsey Bedford and the Boxford History Project.